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解毒ep. 2/疾冲x白牡丹x 言冰云/战山为王/占山为王/ABO/ZSWW/ All白牡丹(丹丹)/坤泽 天天即时

发表时间:2023-06-14 18:08:50 来源:哔哩哔哩

丹丹:“啊。啊” 姬冲专注于解毒过程的每一个细节。 就在姬冲即将完成解毒的时候。言冰云现身喊道。言冰云:站住!这坤泽,说不定就是大庆的威胁。 季冲:言公子,我知道你向来疑人。不过,这一次,你可能想多了。这个弱小的昆泽,怎么可能是大庆的威胁?我建议你尽快离开这个地方。言冰云亮出一枚徽记。 “这个徽章代表的是皇帝。我替皇上命季将军将这昆泽交给我查办。 

Dan Dan: “ahh.”  Ji Chong concentrated on every detail of the detoxification process.  


When Ji-Chong was about to finalize the detoxification. Yan Bingyun showed-up and shouted.

Yan Bingyun: Stop! This kunze may be the threat of Daqing.  

Ji-Chong: Young master Yan, I know that you always suspect people. However, this time, you may think too much. How can this weak Kunze be a threat of Daqing?  I suggest you to leave this place as soon as possible.

Yan Bingyun showed an emblem. “This emblem represents the emperor. On behalf of the emperor, I order general Ji to hand this kunze to me for investigation.

季冲必须服从命令。姬冲和颜冰玉的对话还没结束,丹丹就已经中毒昏过去了。于是,言冰云将丹丹抱上了自己的马车,将它赶走了。言冰云为了不让疾冲追来,已经将疾冲的马拴在马车上。季冲虽然想跟着他们,但徒劳无功。 言冰云将马车停在了他藏在深山中的安全屋前,抱着丹丹进了一个房间。事实上,自从姬冲和丹丹来到温泉,直到丹丹被蛊虫咬伤,他就一直在观察着。然而,季冲的急救措施是正确的。所以,言冰云没有打断姬冲的话。然而,当中毒再次中风时,言冰云却介入了,因为有更好的选择。


Ji-Chong  must obey the command.  Before the end of the conversation between Ji-Chong and Yan Bingyu, Dan Dan has already fainted due to the toxic.  Thus, Yan Bingyun carried Dan Dan to his carriage and drove it away.  To prevent Ji-Chong from chasing them, Yan Bingyun had already tied the horse of Ji-Chong with his carriage.  Although Ji-Chong wanted to follow them, he was in vain.

Yan Bingyun stopped the carriage at his safe house hidden in a mountain and carried Dan Dan into a room.  In fact, he had observed Ji-Chong and Dan Dan since both of them arrived at the hot spring until Dan Dan was bitten by the Gu worm.  However, Ji-Chong did the right first-aid-procedure. Thus, Yan Bingyun did not interrupt Ji-Chong. However, when the toxic stroke again, Yan Bingyun intervened because there is a better option. 

In fact, Yan Bingyun felt in love at first sight to this Kunze. 


Yan Bingyun boiled snow lotus to make a medical bath for Dan Dan.  Meanwhile, he also prepared the snow lotus cream for Dan Dan.  When the medical bath was ready, Yan Bingyun carried the fainted Dan Dan to the bathtub and carefully washed the wound.  Then, Yan Bingyun carried Dan Dan to a couch and wipe out the water.  Since Yan Bingyun has never seen this type of wound before, he examined it with curiosity.  Yan Bingyun found that the outer part of the wound was swollen and the color around the wound is purple.  This shows that there was still toxic left.  Thus, Yan Bingyun sucked out the toxic from the wound.  At this moment, Dan Dan woke-up and saw Yan Bingyun’s detoxification process. 



Yan Bingyun: “Please do not be afraid. I have just help you take out the toxic of the Gu worm.”

Since Dan Dan noticed that Yan Bingyun used the same procedure as Ji-Chong and this method worked. Thus, Dan Dan allowed Yan Bingyun to continue the detoxification. 

Yan Bingyun: “Since you have woken-up, you can tell me if it hurts.”

Dan Dan nodded.  Seeing Dan Dan cooperated well. Yan Bingyun used this procedure to detoxify the toxic for Dan Dan three times a day. 

Yan Bingyun: “Is it comfortable?

Although Dan Dan did not say anything, based on Dan Dan's reaction, Yan Bingyun can tell that Dan Dan likes this procedure





Suddenly, Yan Bingyun heard the sound of ringing bells indicating someone trespassed his compound.  Thus, Yan Bingyun asked Dan Dan to wait inside the room whereas Yan Bingyun immediately rushed out. Outside the hut, he met Ji-Chong:

Ji-Chong: “You are clever in hiding at this place. Give me back the Kunze.”

Yan Bingyun: “The Kunze is not here.”

However, Ji-Chong noticed that there is yellow hair in the mouth of Yan Bingyun.

Ji-Chong: “You are a liar.”



”继冲。 “看来伤口还没有恢复。让我们完成解毒。”

Then, Ji-Chong and Yan Bingyun started fighting. However, Yan Bingyun who is excel in military strategies could not beat Ji-Chong who is excel in martial arts. Thus, Ji-Chong carried Dan Dan to his horse and rode to the hot spring for a bath. This time, the Gu worms did not bother them because of the scent of the snow lotus on Dan Dan’s body.

Dan Dan: “Why do you take me here?”

Ji-Chong. “It seems that the wound has not yet recovered. Let’s finalize the detoxification.”


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